Haku löysi 7 tulosta

Kirjoittaja brolisM
13 Helmi 2014, 09:48
Keskustelualue: English
Aihe: Hello from Lithuania
Vastaukset: 10
Luettu: 13189

Re: Hello from Lithuania

whatever, ive just programmed my car normally, but i just want to know how about injectors and injected quantity, couse im now injecting 85mg...
Kirjoittaja brolisM
11 Helmi 2014, 00:00
Keskustelualue: English
Aihe: Hello from Lithuania
Vastaukset: 10
Luettu: 13189

Re: Hello from Lithuania

JNN can you ask him to tell what hes done with that car? couse he's not answering me. :/
Kirjoittaja brolisM
09 Helmi 2014, 23:44
Keskustelualue: English
Aihe: Hello from Lithuania
Vastaukset: 10
Luettu: 13189

Re: Hello from Lithuania

Yeah... thats why i need more power couse in that track my avg speed just 125km/h. I hope that someone will help me, couse i saw just him made normal mods with that engine. everyone makes something good with vag group.
Kirjoittaja brolisM
09 Helmi 2014, 17:19
Keskustelualue: English
Aihe: Hello from Lithuania
Vastaukset: 10
Luettu: 13189

Re: Hello from Lithuania

No it's manual :D Its not enough power to go in 5th gear :)) i wrote him, i suppose he will answer.
Kirjoittaja brolisM
09 Helmi 2014, 13:22
Keskustelualue: English
Aihe: Hello from Lithuania
Vastaukset: 10
Luettu: 13189

Re: Hello from Lithuania

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jjy9hcYydro&feature=player_detailpage https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1016605_667508633263470_843176478_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1385005_790128971001435_977167358_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaih...
Kirjoittaja brolisM
09 Helmi 2014, 13:03
Keskustelualue: English
Aihe: Hello from Lithuania
Vastaukset: 10
Luettu: 13189

Re: Hello from Lithuania

Thanks a lot, i found him, and i found threads where he's writing about his vectra b. But its too hard to read from google translator :D
Kirjoittaja brolisM
09 Helmi 2014, 10:50
Keskustelualue: English
Aihe: Hello from Lithuania
Vastaukset: 10
Luettu: 13189

Hello from Lithuania

Hello. I found on youtube one video with vectra B 152hp/325nm. I suppose someone should know that person. aksu8225 or Aki Rantanen. I want to ask him few questions about that car. Im making the same engine on astra g. So maybe someone knows him? :)